Illinois House Democratic Caucus



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Stuart Passes Bill Streamlining Accountability for Unaccredited Schools

Stuart Passes Bill Streamlining Accountability for Unaccredited Schools

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, is holding post-secondary institutions that lack required approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) accountable by empowering the board to issue cease-and-desist orders directly, rather than having to refer the matter to the attorney general.

Gordon-Booth Votes for Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Plan

Gordon-Booth Votes for Catalytic Converter Anti-Theft Plan

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, supported a plan this week aimed at curbing catalytic converter theft by reclassifying catalytic converters as “essential parts” – subjecting them to improved tracking and state record laws designed to address vehicle theft.

Hoffman Measure Targets Catalytic Converter Theft, Passes House

Hoffman Measure Targets Catalytic Converter Theft, Passes House

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Responding to the rise in catalytic converter theft, state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, passed a plan out of the House Tuesday that would classify catalytic converters as “essential parts” – subjecting them to enhanced tracking and state record laws that address hijacking and vehicle theft.

Hirschauer Cracks Down on Discrimination with New Protections for Reproductive Health Decisions

Hirschauer Cracks Down on Discrimination with New Protections for Reproductive Health Decisions

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Reproductive health decisions will be better protected under a new bill passed by state Rep. Maura Hirschauer, D-Batavia, ensuring that employers, landlords, financial institutions, and others can never discriminate against a person on the basis of contraception decisions, utilization of abortion care, or fertility treatment including in vitro fertilization.

Avelar-Backed Bill Targets Deceptive ‘Junk Fee’ Practices

Avelar-Backed Bill Targets Deceptive ‘Junk Fee’ Practices

BOLINGBROOK, Ill. — State Rep. Dagmara “Dee” Avelar, D-Bolingbrook, is cracking down on junk fees that cost consumers an estimated $90 billion per year, with a new measure that holds businesses accountable for charges added on top of advertised purchase prices.

Benton Passes Bill Raising Awareness of PTSD

Benton Passes Bill Raising Awareness of PTSD

PLAINFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Harry Benton, D-Plainfield, is helping to recognize individuals dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by moving legislation through the Illinois House of Representatives to have Illinois recognize June 27 as National PTSD Awareness Day.