Illinois House Democratic Caucus



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Stuart Donation Drive Delivers Amid Harsh Winter Weather

Stuart Donation Drive Delivers Amid Harsh Winter Weather

EDWARDSVILLE, Ill. — State Rep. Katie Stuart, D-Edwardsville, in partnership with a local school district, hosted a successful winter clothing drive throughout December and January, delivering winter clothing for children in need and keeping them safe from the cold.

Gill Named Vice-Chairperson of House Agriculture & Conservation Committee

Gill Named Vice-Chairperson of House Agriculture & Conservation Committee

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Mary Gill, D-Chicago, has been selected as the Vice-Chairperson of the Illinois House’s Agriculture & Conservation Committee, where she will further advocate for the Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences and support an industry critical to the state’s economic wellbeing.

Davis to Prioritize Economic Development, Criminal Justice Reform and Workers’ Rights During First Term

Davis to Prioritize Economic Development, Criminal Justice Reform and Workers’ Rights During First Term

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Lisa Davis, D-Chicago, began her first term as a member of the Illinois House of Representative with a strong commitment to lead and support efforts to advance economic development in underserved areas, continue to right the wrongs of our criminal justice system and ensure that Illinois remains a state where the voices of hardworking people are heard loud and clear.

Briel Introduces First Bill, Bridging Gaps in Rural Healthcare

Briel Introduces First Bill, Bridging Gaps in Rural Healthcare

OTTAWA, Ill. – Working toward solutions to address challenges facing rural healthcare in Illinois, newly inaugurated state Rep. Amy “Murri” Briel, D-Ottawa, has introduced her first bill to examine options for expanding access to care in underserved communities.

Briel Introduces First Bill, Bridging Gaps in Rural Healthcare

Amy ‘Murri’ Briel Inaugurated, Details Session Priorities

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Newly inaugurated state Rep. Amy “Murri” Briel, D-Ottawa, will carry her community’s needs this legislative session to prioritize a government that works smarter, manages our money responsibly, and prioritizes lower costs and effective resources for working families.