Illinois House Democratic Caucus



Latest Updates:

Hanson Backs Responsible Budget that Invests in Education, Public Safety

Hanson Backs Responsible Budget that Invests in Education, Public Safety

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Emphasizing the need to responsibly prioritize resources on the issues families are concerned about, state Rep. Matt Hanson, D-Aurora, backed a compassionate and responsible budget that fully funds support for classrooms, local police departments and lifesaving health care residents depend on.  

Canty Invites Community Members to ‘Chat with Canty’ Events

Canty to Host Summer Park Hunt Activity

ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. — To highlight local parks and encourage community members to enjoy the outdoors, state Rep. Mary Beth Canty is hosting a Summer Park Hunt activity from now until Aug. 15. 

Route 59 Multi Use Paths Project Gets State Funding

Route 59 Multi Use Paths Project Gets State Funding

WARRENVILLE, IL, June 21, 2023 – The City’s Route 59 Multi-Use Paths Project got a $200,000 boost from the State after Representative Janet Yang Rohr requested funds for the project in the 2024 budget, which Gov. Pritzker signed June 7. Residents will enjoy safe, ADA-accessible paths to businesses and existing bikeways and trails along Route 59 from Batavia Road to Continental Drive and Meadow Avenue when work is complete. 

Rep. Cassidy to Attend White House Panel on Reproductive Rights

Rep. Cassidy to Attend White House Panel on Reproductive Rights

CHICAGO – State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, D-Chicago, will attend the White House’s State Legislative Convening on Reproductive Rights online tomorrow where she will join with legislators from (states) as a panelist discussing protections for patients and providers, focusing on the work Illinois has done such as the Patient and Provider Protection Act.

Kelly Invites Community Members to Shred Event

Kelly Invites Community Members to Shred Event

CHICAGO – State Rep. Michael J. Kelly, D-Chicago, is helping residents to protect their identities by shredding unneeded documents containing sensitive information at a community shred event to be held Saturday, June 17 from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. at St. Edward Church, 4350 W. Sunnyside in Chicago.