Walsh Wants Living Wage for DPS Workers

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, is cosponsoring legislation ensuring that direct support workers for disabled citizens receive a fair wage. “These are working people who provide a vital service for our communities, helping those who are...

Walsh Supports Legislation to Help Improve Mine Safety Standards

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In an effort to improve safety conditions for coal miners, State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, is co-sponsoring legislation that will improve emergency preparedness in coal mines. “Coal mining is a dangerous job, even still in 2018, and we need...

Walsh Helps Ensures Child Care for Working Families

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, co-sponsored legislation that will protect working class families from being unnecessarily removed from the Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). “As a proud father of three, I want to make sure the children...

Walsh Protects Privacy for Trapper and Sportsman in Illinois

JOLIET, Ill. –State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, sponsored legislation that protects the privacy of licensed trappers by removing the requirement to have their name and address placed on all of their traps. “Making folks put their names and addresses on traps in...

Walsh Legislation Helps Fight Carjacking

JOLIET, Ill. –State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, is cosponsoring legislation to help fight carjacking by curbing the possession of stolen vehicles. “I am sponsoring this legislation to help seek justice for victims of these crimes,” Walsh said. “Carjacking is a...

Walsh Pushes for Tax Credits for Union Members

JOLIET, Ill. –State Rep. Larry Walsh, Jr., D-Elwood, is cosponsoring legislation to give back tax credits to working and middle class families removed by the U.S. Congress. “Folks who are working for a living counts on these tax credits as part of their financial...