Mason Bill Seeks to Bring Vaping Education to Schools

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Illinois students would receive education on the risks of vaping under a new measure introduced by state Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee. Mason’s House Bill 3928 amends the Critical Health Problems and Comprehensive Health Education Act to include...

Mason Hears Constituent Concerns at Legislative Forum

GURNEE, Ill. – State Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee, hosted her Legislative Forum to discuss public policy ideas with residents at the Warren-Newport Public Library in Gurnee on Wednesday. “During the forum, I heard feedback on a wide range of state and local issues, but...

Mason Takes Stand Against Child Emotional Abuse

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Children experiencing emotional abuse from a parent or guardian would be protected under state law through legislation being championed by state Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee. “Unlike physical abuse, emotional or mental abuse is more likely to go...