Mason Introduces Bill to Lower Tax on Firearm Safety Equipment

GURNEE, Ill. – To promote responsible gun use, state Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee, introduced House Bill 316, legislation that would lower the state sales tax rate imposed on firearm safes and locks from 6.25% to 1%. “Owning a gun can help residents feel better...

Mason Introduces Legislation to Lower Business Fees

GURNEE, Ill. – As part of her continued commitment to small businesses, state Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee, introduced House Bill 47, a measure that would reduce a variety of registration and filing fees that limited liability companies must pay to the Illinois...

Mason Advocates for Red Light Camera Reform

GURNEE, Ill. – As part of her push for ethics reform, state Rep. Joyce Mason, D-Gurnee, introduced House Bill 129, a measure that would bring additional transparency to the process of red light camera lobbying. “After learning that red light camera companies and...