SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In response to news that President Trump has proposed slashing funding federal programs that help fight the heroin epidemic across the country, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, introduced legislation urging the Illinois Congressional Delegation...
JOLIET, Ill. – As part of her ongoing efforts to listen to the concerns of her district, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, visited with local residents at a recent “Coffee and Conversation” that she hosts throughout the district. At her stop, Manley had the...
JOLIET, Ill. – State Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, joined Guardian Angel Community Services Sexual Assault Service Center for their annual Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, as the organization culminated their efforts to raise awareness about sexual violence...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – As the health care debate continues in Washington, D.C, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, helped pass legislation prohibiting insurance companies from dropping individuals with pre-existing conditions. “There is a lot of uncertainty right now...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, is joining seniors from throughout the community to stand against dangerous proposed cuts to Meals on Wheels that would affect more than 115,000 elderly residents in Illinois who rely on the program. “Meals on...