Kalish Bill that Gives Victims Chance to Come Forward Passes House

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Yehiel “Mark” Kalish, D-Chicago, recently passed legislation that would allow for more victims of sexual assault and other forceful felonies to come forward with confidence knowing that their traumatic experience will be prioritized over...

Kalish Goes Door to Door to Discuss Issues with Residents

SKOKIE, Ill. – In an effort to hear from residents directly, State Rep. Yehiel “Mark” Kalish, D-Chicago, is using his time away from Springfield to walk door-to-door in local communities and listen to the concerns of residents.“The discussions I have with folks at...

Kalish Passes Bill to Protect People of Faith in Houses of Worship

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Yehiel “Mark” Kalish, D-Chicago, is sponsoring a measure that would increase penalties for people who commit religion-based hate crimes against members of religious leadership and hate crimes committed in physical places of worship.“As a...