CHICAGO – To help focus policy discussions regarding the future of the region’s public transportation networks, state Rep. Mary Gill, D-Chicago, has been appointed to a recently-announced
House Public Transit Working Group by House Speaker Emanuel “Chris” Welch, D-Hillside.
“Our community is served by multiple agencies that residents depend on to get to work and daily life needs,” Gill said. “If there are to be any serious conversations about the future of these systems, it’s critical that our community is properly represented. I’ve heard from local residents about the challenges and opportunities of our network, and I look forward to sharing their voice in these working group discussions.”
The House working group will include 15 state representatives from across the Chicagoland area, and is intended to take a close look at existing public transit operations and potential avenues to improve. Gill’s district is currently served by Metra, Pace and the Chicago Transit Authority, which are all overseen in certain respects by the Regional Transportation Authority.
“How these agencies are currently governed and work together will be a focus for me,” Gill said. “At the end of the day, we want to ensure that residents have access to an effective, world class
transportation system. I want residents to continue to share their thoughts on this topic with my office and me, and I’m looking forward to beginning these working group conversations very soon.”
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