CHICAGO – As lawmakers return to Springfield, state Rep. Mary Gill, D-Chicago, is working on legislation that will expand access to lifesaving medication and protect victims of car theft.

“This will mark my first full session as a representative, and I’m looking forward to bringing fresh ideas based on the feedback I hear from local residents,” Gill said. “Foremost, I want to address an issue that victims of carjacking and vehicle theft are unfairly experiencing. If you’re the victim of such a crime, you shouldn’t be forced to deal with fees that were not your fault.”

Gill’s House Bill 4267 responds to the experience of an area resident who had their vehicle stolen and subsequently towed and stored by a private towing company. When the victim went to recover their vehicle, the private towing company refused to provide them with the vehicle and their personal belongings inside of it – including hearing aids – until they paid towing and storage fees.

Under Gill’s proposal, if an individual presents a valid police report of their vehicle being stolen to the towing company, they will not be charged typical fines, fees and penalties. The measure also explicitly prevents medical devices stored within vehicles – such as hearing instruments – from being held as collateral for fee payment.

Gill is also working with the Alzheimer’s Association to expand access to drugs that slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease that are not currently included in the state insurance code. The measure is personal for Gill, who had an uncle who passed away at a young age suffering from Alzheimer’s in addition to having down syndrome.

“I wish that he would have had access to the treatment that is possible today,” Gill said. “I’m thankful for the strong advocacy from the Alzheimer’s Association on this topic as we look to secure greater access to this needed medication. Health care costs are a major concern for working families, and it has been a priority for me from day one.”

Gill’s first law passed, Senate Bill 1527, ensures group or individual health insurance policies and managed care plans cover medically necessary compression sleeves needed to mitigate or prevent lymphedema – a condition most commonly associated with breast cancer treatment.

“My sister-in-law suffered from breast cancer and lymphedema and was fortunately able to use compression sleeves in treatment,” Gill said. “I want to continue to focus on legislation that improves the day-to-day lives of people across our community and state. There’s a lot of work ahead of us, and I’m looking forward to the positive impact we can make.”

Rep. Mary GillRep. Mary Gill

35th District

Springfield Office:
279-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-8200

District Office:
10400 S. Western
Chicago, IL  60643
(773) 445-8128