Oct 23, 2021 | Hernandez L
SPRINGFIELD – The House and Senate Redistricting Committees today released an updated version of the proposed congressional map that accounts for public feedback while improving minority influence. “These new proposed congressional boundaries are historic and reflect...
Oct 15, 2021 | Hernandez L
SPRINGFIELD – The House and Senate Redistricting Committees have released a proposed map of new congressional boundaries designed to comply with federal law and ensure the broad diversity of the state is reflected in the elected officials sent to represent Illinois in...
Oct 15, 2021 | Hernandez L
WHO: The House Redistricting Committee WHAT: The committee is holding a series of public hearings to gather input as the General Assembly begins the process of creating new congressional and judicial subcircuit boundaries. Members of the public may request to provide...
Oct 14, 2021 | Hernandez L
WHO: The House Redistricting Committee WHAT: The committee is holding a series of public hearings to gather input as the General Assembly begins the process of creating new congressional and judicial subcircuit boundaries. Members of the public may request to provide...
Oct 8, 2021 | Hernandez L
WHO: The House Redistricting Committee WHAT: The committee is holding a series of public hearings to gather input as the General Assembly begins the process of creating new congressional and judicial subcircuit boundaries. Members of the public may request to provide...