Vella Bill to Protect Victims of Sexual Crimes

ROCKFORD, Ill. – To provide additional support to victims, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, helped pass legislation that would make civil no contact orders permanent if the defendant is convicted of a sexual crime. “We must do everything in our power to prevent...

Vella Highlights First 100 Days in Office

ROCKFORD, Ill. – Last week, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, marked his first 100 days in office serving the 68th District by highlighting some of his local and legislative achievements to date. “As State Representative, it has been my honor to serve the people of...

Vella Introduces Legislation to Support Veteran-Owned Businesses

ROCKFORD, Ill. – As part of his efforts to help facilitate economic growth, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, introduced legislation that would cut license fees for businesses owned by veterans. “With all that veterans have done for our country, the least we can do...

Vella-Supported Legislation to End Legislator Salary Loophole

ROCKFORD, Ill. – As part of his efforts to put an end to wasteful government practices in Springfield, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, is backing legislation that would prohibit legislators from getting paid for a full-months’ work for working as little as one day....