Mussman Supports Livable Wage for Illinois Families

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. –Following her vote in favor of a $15 minimum wage, state Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg, released the following statement: “An increase in the minimum wage is an investment in our local economy, communities and area families. Not only will this...

Mussman Backs Renewed Effort to Close the Wage Gap in Illinois

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – To help prevent wage discrimination in the workplace, state Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg, is co-sponsoring legislation aimed at addressing the wage gap between men and women in Illinois. “I have continually advocated for wage equality in...

Mussman Backing Measure to Fight Opioid Crisis Across Illinois

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In an effort to combat the opioid crisis in local communities and across the state of Illinois, state Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg, is backing a resolution calling on the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) to adopt new guidelines...

Mussman Aims to Reduce Dental Costs for Adults with Autism

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Standing up for adults with autism, state Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg, is co-sponsoring legislation that would require insurance companies to cover the cost of anesthetics used for dental care if the patient has been diagnosed with an...