Greenwood Focuses on Economic Reform Agenda to Create Jobs

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. LaToya Greenwood, D-East St. Louis, released the following statement after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s State of the State address Wednesday: “I agree with the governor that more must be done to create jobs and grow our economy, but the governor...

Lilly Demands Budget to Protect Working Families

CHICAGO – State Rep. Camille Lilly, D-Chicago, issued the following statement on Wednesday following Gov. Rauner’s State of the State Address: “Illinois has gone without a budget for far too long. This is unacceptable and we must work together must be to ensure that...

Crespo Pushes for Fiscally Responsible Budget to be Passed

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Fred Crespo, D-Hoffman Estates, issued the following statement after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s State of the State address Wednesday: “After listening to the governor this afternoon, I think we can all agree that we must work to push for a...

Manley Advocates for Economic Agenda that Prioritizes Middle Class

JOLIET, Ill. – Looking to stimulate development in Illinois and strengthen the middle class, state Rep. Natalie Manley, D-Joliet, is backing an economic reform agenda that would lower the cost of doing business, reward economic investment and boost education funding....

Mussman Sets Sights on Jump Starting Economy for Middle Class

Schaumburg, Ill. – State Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg, is urging her colleagues in the General Assembly to focus on hardworking middle-class families in order to move Illinois’ economy forward. While advocating for economic growth in Illinois, Mussman warns...