Rep. Carroll Asks for Cell Phone Donations to Support Troops

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – To help deployed service members call home for the holidays, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, is asking residents for donations of old or unused cell phones. Donations will go to Cell Phones for Soldiers, an organization that lets...

Carroll Calls for Illinois to Ban Ivory Imports

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – Amidst the Trump Administration undercutting protections of the world’s endangered elephant population by easing the ban on ivory imports, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, is calling for a ban on ivory imports to Illinois. “We have a...

Rep. Carroll Appointed to Legislative Public Safety Group

BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – In the days after legislative leaders in the General Assembly established the Legislative Public Safety Group, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, expressed his desire to begin work in this new role. “I am humbled and honored to be...

Carroll Hosts Coffee and Conversation in Mt. Prospect

MT. PROSPECT, Ill. – State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, recently hosted a Coffee and Conversation event at Eggsperience in Mount Prospect. “As state Representative, I value the opportunity to hear the concerns of the people that I represent directly from...

Carroll Responds to Governor’s Budget Address,

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Following the Governor’s Budget Address earlier today, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, released the below statement: “Over the last three years, Rauner has fed the people of Illinois three budgets that were billions of dollars out of...