VILLA PARK, Ill. – Insurance companies will be required to cover mammograms for patients who have discovered breast tissue abnormalities under a measure backed by state Rep. Deb Conroy, D-Villa Park, which was recently signed into law.“A woman who has discovered that...
CHICAGO – A new law backed by state Rep. Yehiel “Mark” Kalish, D-Chicago, will prevent big insurance companies from denying coverage for lifesaving breast cancer screenings that can detect breast cancer during early stages.“The health of women in our community needs...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – A new law sponsored by state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook, bans smoking in cars when children are present.“Illinois must prioritize the health and wellbeing of children, and my new law is a good step in that direction,” said Carroll. “Taking...
VILLA PARK, Ill. – Seeking to create a new opportunity for students to have conversations about mental health with their parents and school administrators, state Rep. Deb Conroy, D-Villa Park, introduced legislation to allow students to use excused absences, typically...
SCHAUMBURG, Ill. – Mental health wellness resources for college students will be more accessible at public universities and community colleges thanks to a new law passed by state Rep. Michelle Mussman, D-Schaumburg.“Mental health is just as important as physical...