Harper Supports Property Tax Relief Package

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Every homeowner in the state would receive a break from high property taxes under a comprehensive tax relief package passed by state Rep. Sonya Harper, D-Chicago, increasing the value of key property tax credits for families, seniors and veterans....

Harper Sponsors Legislation to Reduce Wage-Gap

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In an effort to end practices of pay and wage discrimination, state Rep. Sonya Harper, D-Chicago, is sponsoring legislation to end pay discrepancies between men and women in Illinois.. “Women still only earn 79 cents on the dollar to their male...

Harper Fights to Stop Part-Time Politicians from Obtaining Perks

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – This week, in an effort to make government officials more accountable to the people they represent, state Rep. Sonya Harper, D-Chicago, supported a measure that would restrict part-time politicians from receiving a taxpayer funded pension. “I want...