Rep. La Shawn K. Ford

8th District
Rep La Shawn Ford

Visit Rep. LaShawn K. Ford’s website 

Springfield Office:
239-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-5962
(217) 557-4502 FAX

District Office:
5051 W Chicago Ave.
Chicago, IL  60651
(773) 750-0866

104th General Assembly
Bills | Committees | Beta

B.S., Loyola University Chicago. Former Chicago Public Schools teacher, still certified. Licensed real estate broker and insurance agent. Chair of House Democratic Task Force to Increase State Government Business Opportunities for Minority-Owned Enterprises and Small Businesses. Chair of Firearm Public Awareness Task Force. Co-founder of West Side Heroin Task Force. 2018 Nelson Mandela Award for Justice Honoree from Westside Health Authority, in recognition of tireless service and outstanding contributions in fostering peace and fighting for justice on the West Side of Chicago. Representative since 2007