Rep. Yolonda Morris
Springfield Office:
288-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8116
4325 W Roosevelt Rd
Suite 162
Chicago, IL 60623
(773) 565-4005
A Certified Nurse Assistant of 26 years. A proud former member of SEIU, where I dedicated my time and energy as a Union Organizer. A champion of the “Fight for 15”, Safe Staffing and Child Care for All. “Building stronger and more united communities is not a task for one, but a collective effort. Together, we are unstoppable!”

Morris Responds to State of the State Address, Prioritizes Expanding Access to Healthcare
SPRINGFIELD, IL. – State Rep. Yolanda Morris, D- Chicago, issued the following statement after Gov. J.B. Pritzker gave his annual budget address:

House Dobbs Working Group Members Stand with Attorney General’s Commitment to the LGBTQ+ Community and Gender Affirming Care
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Illinois Attorney General Kwame Raoul today issued a statement clarifying that President Trump’s chaotic and confusing executive order restricting access to lawful health care for transgender youth and young adults has no impact on access in Illinois and reinforcing his and thirteen other Attorneys Generals’ commitment to fight efforts to interfere with access to life saving health care in our state. The House Dobbs Working Group is grateful to AG Raoul and his partners in 13 states for recognizing the importance of reinforcing our commitment to protecting the LGBTQ+ community from the hateful attacks coming from the administration.

Morris Secures Historic Investments for Lawndale Christian Health Center
CHICAGO – $7.5 million dollars in new funding secured by state Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, will flow to Lawndale Christian Health Center to renovate its main facility and bolster its service capabilities.

Un programa de alivio de la deuda médica apoyado por Morris elimina $72 mil millones de dólares en fracturas antiguas para familias
CHICAGO – La deuda médica de 52.000 residentes de Illinois se alivió por una nueva ley de la Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, eliminando una acumulación de $72 millones de dólares que enfrentan las familias trabajadoras y las personas mayores.

Morris-Backed Medical Debt Relief Program Clears $72 Billion in Old Bills for Families
CHICAGO – More than 52,000 Illinoisans have had medical debt paid under a law backed by state Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, clearing a backlog of $72 million facing working families and seniors.

Morris Encourages Residents to Apply for FEMA Disaster Assistance
CHICAGO – To help ensure local residents affected by this summer’s extreme weather and tornadoes in July, state Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, is highlighting the recent opening of a temporary Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) field office on the city’s West Side.

Morris Asegura Subvenciones para los Servicios Locales de Alfabetización y Accesibilidad en Bibliotecas Estatales
CHICAGO – La Rep. Estatal Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, obtuvo más de $300.000 en subvenciones para soportar los programas locales de alfabetización de adultos y el programa del Servicio de Información de Radio (RIS) en el nuevo presupuesto estatal, aumentando el acceso a los medios de programa y impreso para las personas discapacitadas visuales.

Morris Secures State Library Grants to Support Local Literacy and Accessibility Services
CHICAGO – State Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, secured over $300,000 of grants to support local adult literacy programs and the Radio Information Service (RIS) program in the new state budget, improving access to broadcast and print media to the visually impaired.

Se Aprobó una Medida Apoyada por la Rep. Morris Que Aumenta la Eficiencia de Sistemas Digitales y Programas de Entrenamiento del Estado
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Un proyecto de ley defendido por la Rep. Estatal Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, que mejora la innovación de tecnología de las agencias estatales para proveer servicios mejores y más eficientes ya es la ley.

Morris-Backed Measure Streamlining State Systems Upgrades and Training Signed into Law
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Legislation championed by state Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, streamlining technological innovation at state agencies in order to provide better, more efficient services is now law.