ROCKFORD, Ill. – In order to provide financial relief to his constituents, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, helped pass legislation that would expand the eligibility of seniors who can defer their property taxes as well as increase the amount they can defer. “While...
ROCKFORD, Ill. – To ensure that there are ample employment opportunities available to veterans, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, voted in favor of legislation that would give an advantage to veterans seeking employment for certain state jobs. “Veterans have put...
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – A proposal to reduce the license plate fee for small trailers is set to become law after months of support from state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford. “I’m happy we were able to come together in a bipartisan fashion to pass a bill that returns the fee...
ROCKFORD, Ill. – As part of his commitment to cleaning up corruption in Springfield, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, backed an ethics reform package that will increase transparency and end corrupt practices to ensure that elected officials are working in the best...
ROCKFORD, Ill. – During his first legislative session in office, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, pushed for legislation helping middle-class families, businesses, and others recover and rebuild from the COVID-19 pandemic. “This year I worked to provide economic...
ROCKFORD, Ill. – To ensure that those who die while serving their community are properly compensated, state Rep. Dave Vella, D-Rockford, helped pass legislation that would extend the deadline for compensation claims. “While we can never truly compensate a family for...