Rep. Mah Calls for Government Monitored Workers’ Protection Unit

CHICAGO – In an effort to stand against Illinois’ “underground economy”, which forces employees to work in unsafe conditions and gives businesses unfair tax and labor advantages, state Rep. Theresa Mah, D-Chicago, is supporting a recently introduced measure that would...

Rep. Mah Launches Petition to Support Senior Tax Relief

CHICAGO –In response to recent studies ranking Illinois in the top 10 states with the highest tax burden, state Rep. Theresa Mah, D-Chicago, is co-sponsoring a measure to remove burdensome taxes on seniors when they are purchasing health-related household necessities....

Mah: Letter to the Editor

Donald Trump and his extreme allies continue pushing reckless changes to federal health care law. Their radical agenda would deny care to people simply because they got sick and make us all pay more to pad the profits of big insurance companies. I’m fed up with...