BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – Amidst the Trump Administration undercutting protections of the world’s endangered elephant population by easing the ban on ivory imports, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, is calling for a ban on ivory imports to Illinois. “We have a...
During a Yom Hashoah remembrance service at the Old State Capitol on Thursday, Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, spoke about the importance of reflecting on the past to combat hateful elements still present. “Yom Hashoah will always remain as an important reminder...
BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – With April commemorating national “Sexual Assault Awareness” month, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Northbrook, is hosting a supply drive for “A Safe Place”, Lake County’s primary provider of services for women and children who have been...
BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – In the days after legislative leaders in the General Assembly established the Legislative Public Safety Group, state Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, expressed his desire to begin work in this new role. “I am humbled and honored to be...
MT. PROSPECT, Ill. – State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, recently hosted a Coffee and Conversation event at Eggsperience in Mount Prospect. “As state Representative, I value the opportunity to hear the concerns of the people that I represent directly from...
BUFFALO GROVE, Ill. – State Rep. Jonathan Carroll, D-Buffalo Grove, recently introduced a new measure to increase the waiting period to buy a long gun, as part of a package of gun reform proposals that were addressed Wednesday in the Illinois House of Representatives....