CHICAGO – In an effort to crack-down on the price-gouging of generic and off-patent drugs, state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, recently supported a measure to prohibit the practice of excessive price increases by drug manufacturers in Illinois. “Recently, we’ve seen...
CHICAGO – A new law introduced by state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, that will prohibit investment of state dollars in companies that use overseas tax havens has begun to identify businesses that will be disqualified from future taxpayer investment. “This law’s...
CHICAGO, Ill. – State Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, supported a package of gun safety reforms that recently passed the Illinois House. “It is regretful that so many tragedies had to occur before we could pass such common sense gun laws,” Andrade said. “It is my hope...
Chicago, Ill. – State Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, has introduced legislation to combat the Trump administration’s FCC ruling which rolled-back internet protections for consumers. “The FCC’s ruling under Trump’s directive to reverse Obama-era protections that were...
CHICAGO – Illinois will become the 15th state to adopt mandatory cybersecurity awareness training for state employees when legislation backed by state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, Chairman of the Illinois House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics and IT Committee, takes...
CHICAGO – To help homeowners learn how to lower their property tax bill, state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, is co-hosting a property tax appeal seminar with Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael Cabonargi, Ald. Margaret Laurino, state Rep. John D’Amico,...