CHICAGO – With the end of Congress’ scheduled session just a few days away, state Rep. Fred Crespo, co-chair of the Illinois Legislative Latino Caucus, issued the following statement urging Gov. Bruce Rauner to stand with Illinois’ 42,000 Dreamers and demand Congress protect law-abiding residents from deportation by passing the DREAM (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) Act:

“With each day that passes, 42,000 young people in Illinois come closer to being forced out of their schools, jobs and communities. Dreamers, more than any other immigrant group, are well integrated into American society because they were raised here. They learned English as children and were educated in our schools. They obey the law, pay taxes and contribute to our economy just like everyone else. Yet, Republicans in Congress are refusing to act on bipartisan legislation with broad public support.

“In a nation that values empathy and compassion, it is unacceptable for Republicans in Washington to leave town for the year without passing the DREAM Act. Without it, 800,000 young people across country will remain in limbo, fearing that in just a few months their livelihood will be ripped away from them by a president that lacks the ideals our country stands for.

“Time and time again we have seen government failing to act on behalf of immigrant communities. But enough is enough. As the governor of the state with the fifth largest Latino population, we urge Governor Bruce Rauner to call on his fellow Republicans to do the right thing and pass the DREAM Act.”

Rep Fred CrespoRep Fred Crespo

(D-Hoffman Estates)
44th District

Visit Rep Fred Crespo’s Website

Springfield Office:
245-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-0347
(217) 557-4622 FAX

District Office:
1014 E. Schaumburg Road
Streamwood, IL  60107
(630) 372-3340
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