SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, D-Calumet City, voted to freeze property taxes and pass a package of additional legislative reforms Wednesday designed to compromise with Gov. Bruce Rauner on measures he’s demanded be passed before he is willing to negotiate a fair and responsible budget.
“Governor Rauner showed today that even after three years of his political games, he still isn’t ready to work in good faith,” Jones said. “I supported every single one of the governor’s demands—in hopes that he would come back to the table and negotiate—and it’s still not enough for him. His refusal to set aside his ego and work towards ending this budget crisis is not going to just cause economic harm, it’s going to cost lives.”
Jones supported a package of reforms, which include providing property tax relief to homeowners, reforming the workers’ compensation system, easing requirements to consolidate local forms of government, and overhauling the state’s pension system. Jones supported legislation that would have frozen property taxes for four years, while exempting the most financially stressed school districts. This bill would have also lowered property taxes for every single homeowners in Illinois and provide additional relief for seniors, veterans, and disabled homeowners. On the governor’s orders, Republican lawmakers blocked this tax relief measure.
“The governor continues to campaign at a time when social service agencies who care for our seniors and disabled residents are being threatened with having to close their doors,” Jones said. “If Governor Rauner has a shred of decency he will work with us in good faith and end this crisis he created before more damage is done to our state.”