SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – With a new General Assembly beginning, state Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, D-Chicago, wants to prioritize passage of a consumer protection Delta-8 plan and has filed the first bill in the Illinois House this legislative session.
“There is a lot of disagreement among lawmakers, business owners and advocates right now about how to proceed with Delta-8, but we need to come together and pass an agreed-upon bill,” Ford said. “We have to prioritize the safety of minors, but let’s make sure we pursue a collaborative process and do it the right way. My legislation is intended to get the ball rolling.”
Ford began his new term by filing House Bill 1, dubbed the “Prevention of Use of Hemp Cannabinoid Products Intended for Human Consumption by Ingestion or Inhalation by Persons Under 21 Years of Age Act.” His measure does not fully ban Delta-8, but would institute a framework of regulations.
“Conversations have been ongoing, and I’m optimistic we can get to a resolution,” Ford said. “I’m looking forward to additional engagement in the days ahead.”
For more information, please contact RepFord@LaShawnFord.com.
Visit Rep. LaShawn K. Ford’s website
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