SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Anna Moeller, D-Elgin, concluded the spring session on Wednesday by passing a forward-thinking and empathetic budget. This budget aims to strengthen Illinois’ financial stability while supporting families facing rising costs and enacting significant health insurance reforms.

“State budgets are a reflection of our values. While other states prioritize the wealthiest, we are championing the everyday families that make Illinois exceptional,” Moeller stated. “Investing in our youth is crucial for our state’s future. That’s why I’ve worked to secure more funding for schools, expand early childhood education access, and introduce a new child tax credit. These are investments in our children’s futures. Budgets are just one part of the ongoing conversation about education and other critical issues. We must continue striving to make Illinois the best place to raise a family.”

Moeller emphasized new budget allocations for early childhood education, creating opportunities for 5,000 of Illinois’ youngest learners, and securing $350 million more for elementary and secondary schools. Additionally, she expanded access to college financial aid, including MAP Grants.

Moeller also spearheaded major reforms to reduce the cost of living. A new $50 million child tax credit will assist families with young children in managing rising expenses, while a $10 million state investment will erase $1 billion in family medical debt.

Continuing her commitment to making healthcare more accessible and affordable, Moeller passed the Health Care Protection Act, which includes significant health insurance reforms such as:

  • Cracking down on premium increases that only serve to boost insurance company profits.
  • Ending step therapy and prior-authorization for in-hospital mental health care, restoring decision-making power to doctors and patients.
  • Prohibiting ‘junk insurance’ that lures customers with low costs but offers no real coverage.

“Health insurance companies often use their power to override patient care and increase their profits. Patient care should be determined by patients and doctors, not by health plans or arbitrary restrictions,” Moeller remarked. “We’ve implemented critical reforms to hold these companies accountable, including rate hike reviews to keep costs low, eliminating prior-authorization requirements to ensure prescribed care is delivered, and banning junk insurance plans that shortchange consumers. I’m proud to have fought for these common-sense reforms and look forward to the important discussions ahead.”

Rep. Anna MoellerRep. Anna Moeller

43rd District

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