SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Eva-Dina Delgado, D-Chicago, encouraged the U.S. Department of Transportation to protect and expand partnerships with veteran-owned businesses, reflecting the success of Minority and Women-owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (M/W DBE) despite the recent Supreme Court decision to strike down affirmative action policies in university admissions. 

“Diversity is our strength, especially when federal and state forces are downplaying the role communities of color have in driving economic change,” Delgado said. “Business diversity programs have not only driven economic growth but also improved equity and fairness for disadvantaged communities across the state. We should continue to support them and call on the federal government, agencies  and actors to keep their commitment to improving every community, no matter the zip code or background. Diversity is not an end goal, it is something we work towards. Promoting the entrepreneurial spirit in our communities is how we can do just that.” 

Delgado introduced House Resolution 687 which calls on USDOT and the federal government to continue to partner with small, diverse, and veteran-owned firms, because of the success partnering with M/WBE and DBE programs in promoting economic opportunity, equity and access. 

“We are grateful for Representative Delgado’s work in the passage of HR687 urging Congress to protect the important Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program,” stated Kevin Artl, president and CEO of American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois. “The DBE Program is a longstanding and a proven tool which has helped Illinois minority and women owned businesses compete at a level playing field, grow their businesses and contribute to the economy.”

The resolution was adopted on Friday. 

Rep. Eva-Dina DelgadoRep. Eva Dina Delgado

3rd District

Springfield Office:
244-W Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0480

District Office:
6309 W. Belmont Ave.
Chicago, IL 60634
(773) 237-4558