CHAMPAIGN, Ill. – State Rep. Carol Ammons, D-Urbana, issued a statement, following the passage late Thursday evening of record gun safety and reproductive health legislation: 

“Communities across Illinois can rest assured that the House is looking out for them and will continue to put their best interests first,” Ammons said. “Weapons of war do not belong on Illinois streets, and this gun safety legislation makes sure that those who wish to do harm to their neighbors will have a harder time getting weapons meant for the battlefield. Through several key components, we are taking a comprehensive approach that will save lives.

“Advancing reproductive health protections for women and protecting gender-affirming services for our most vulnerable LGBTQ+ people have always been top priorities for me. This legislation reaffirms that Illinois will stand up for women, queer and gender-conforming people and all who find themselves on the receiving end of antagonistic and discriminatory legislation.”

Rep. Carol AmmonsRep. Carol Ammons

103rd District

Visit Rep Carol Ammons website

Springfield Office:
632 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 558-1009

District Office:
300 S. Broadway
Suite 154A
Urbana, IL 61820
(217) 531-1660
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