CHICAGO – To help inform voters and shine a light on the financial interests of individuals running for President of the United States, state Rep. Jaime Andrade, D-Chicago, is spearheading an effort to require that presidential candidates release their tax returns in order to appear on the ballot in Illinois.

“Voters deserve to be informed as to whether the person running the country has a conflict of interest that will influence their agenda or compromise our nation,” Andrade said. “This seems especially important now, as President Trump refused to adhere to the longstanding tradition of candidates releasing their tax-returns, and new red-flags are emerging every day concerning President Trump’s ties to Russia.”

Andrade’s legislation, House Bill 780, amends the Illinois election code requiring any presidential candidate to release their previous five years of tax returns at least 50 days prior to the election. Failure to comply with the new law would ban the candidate from appearing on the ballot in Illinois. Andrade’s proposal passed the Election & Campaign Finance committee this week and is awaiting further consideration in the House.

“This bill is not partisan, it’s about government transparency and informing the electorate,” Andrade said. “I urge my colleagues in the House and the Governor to stand up for transparent and open elections and support this proposal.”

Rep Jaime AndradeRep Jaime Andrade

40th District

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