SPRINGFIELD, Ill. –  To ensure the judicial system stays fair and impartial, state Rep. Curtis J. Tarver II, D-Chicago, will serve as vice-chair of the Judicial-Civil Committee, as well as vice-chair of the Redistricting committee, which redraws the state and congressional district boundaries.

“Since being elected, I have worked to provide a voice for the disadvantaged and to change the current inequitable system,” said Tarver. “I am extremely honored and excited to be working on two committees that both work towards diminishing disparities based on race, income level, or zip code.”

Tarver has served on the Judicial-Civil Committee since 2019. As a member of the Judicial-Civil committee, Tarver has worked on legislation to protect workers from mistreatment and fix racial inequalities. The Redistricting Committee only meets once every ten years after the U.S. Census is complete to redraw district maps. The committee will host hearings for different organizations to speak on their concerns for the next maps and, after the hearings, the committee will work together to redraw the electoral maps.

“It’s important that the legislature’s committees are diverse and represent the variety of communities throughout the state,” said Tarver. “Every resident throughout Illinois has the right to have their voice heard, no matter what.”

Rep. Curtis TarverRep. Curtis Tarver

25th District

Springfield Office:
254-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8121

District Office:
1303 E 53rd St.
Chicago, IL 60615
(773) 363-8870