CHICAGO – To help offer relief from the pressure that rising property taxes can place on family budgets, state Rep. John D’Amico, D-Chicago, is hosting a property tax appeal seminar on Monday, Jan. 23 at 6:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army’s church gymnasium, located at 5040 N. Pulaski in Chicago.

“When I go door-to-door, one of the issues residents bring up most is the strain rising property taxes put on their budgets,” D’Amico said. “Any additional costs or savings can be the difference in paying bills on time or being able to afford unexpected expenses.”

D’Amico’s seminar will feature a presentation by Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Michael M. Cabonargi, who will explain how to make an appeal and how appeals are granted. Attendees should bring a copy of their second installment property tax bill or make sure to have their property index number (PIN) available to be able to start the appeals process. Not all homeowners will have their property tax bills lowered by an appeal, but D’Amico wants everyone to have assistance through the complicated appeals process.

“As property taxes have skyrocketed, families are facing the threat of having to leave the homes they’ve been in for years,” D’Amico said. “I encourage residents to attend this seminar, learn how they can appeal and hopefully reduce their property tax bill.”

The property tax seminar is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact D’Amico’s full-time constituent service office at (773) 736-0218 or call Commissioner Cabonargi’s office at 312-603-5562.

Rep John D’Amico Rep John D'Amico

15th District

Springfield Office:
279-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-8198
(217) 782-2906 FAX

District Office:
4404 W. Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL  60630
(773) 736-0218
(773) 736-2333 FAX