RED BUD, Ill. – A law backed by state Rep. Nathan Reitz, D-Steeleville, to combat skin cancer by requiring insurance companies cover the cost of annual skin cancer screenings is now in effect.

“Modern medicine has advanced to the point where it can combat the effects of skin cancer, and even prevent it in many cases, but that all depends on finding cancer early before it spreads very far. Regular checkups for possible skin cancer problems can save lives, and we need to make sure those appointments are affordable,” Reitz said. “If we want to build a stronger Illinois together, making critical health care procedures like skin cancer checkups available to everyone who needs them is a big step.”

Reitz backed House Bill 3113, which requires all medical and accident insurance to cover 100% of the costs of yearly screenings for skin cancer, even if they are not part of a routine dermatology inspection. The American Cancer Society estimates that in 2020, around 3,700 people in Illinois will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer. Many of these patients will experience a strong recovery as a result of early detection.

“Big insurance companies are trying to make money by exploiting our medical needs,” Reitz said. “No one deserves to go through skin cancer because some insurance provider just wanted to pad their profits. This law is going to make sure that doesn’t happen anymore in Illinois.”

Rep. Nathan ReitzRep. Nathan Reitz

116th District

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