SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Glen Ellyn, hosted the Rev. Kendra Joyner-Miller of First Congregational Church of Glen Ellyn to deliver the invocation before the Illinois House of Representatives began session on Feb. 20.
“It was truly an honor to have Rev. Joyner-Miller on the floor with me, proudly representing DuPage County and leading the House in a time of reflection before we began debating the important issues that face our state,” said Costa Howard. “I know that my fellow lawmakers enjoyed hearing her wise and encouraging words.”
Prayers in the House are delivered by religious leaders representing all faiths and all parts of the state. Local faith leaders interested in delivering the daily invocation in Springfield can contact Costa Howard’s constituent services office at 630-812-9292 or RepTCH48@gmail.com for more information and available dates.