LOMBARD – State Rep. Terra Costa Howard, D-Glen Ellyn, is calling on area residents to nominate local businesses for her Good Neighbor Business of the Month Award, which spotlights companies that do an exceptional job of supporting local charities and service organizations.
“There are so many great organizations that serve the needs of people who live in our communities,” Costa Howard said. “Those organizations thrive because our local business owners step up to provide money, volunteers, and other resources. I believe it is important to recognize the many ways that local employers and small businesses make our communities stronger.
“With the Good Neighbor Business of the Month Award, we will show these exemplary business leaders that we appreciate their outstanding commitment to supporting the good works of our community organizations,” she said.
The Award will be based on nominations from community members. Each month, Costa Howard will select a local business that has made a significant contribution, through donations or volunteer commitments. She will visit the winner and present the proprietor with a Good Neighbor Business certificate to show our communities’ appreciation.
If you know of a business that goes above and beyond in our local community, please submit your nomination for the Good Neighbor Business of the Month Award to Costa Howard’s office by emailing RepTCH48@gmail.com. When submitting your nomination, please include the name and address of the business, as well as some examples of the support they provide to charitable organizations in the area. Nominations will be accepted on a continuing basis.