SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Thaddeus Jones, D-Calumet City, is fighting to protect health care for individuals with pre-existing conditions, by backing legislation rejecting the Trump administration’s attempts to cut down the Affordable Care Act.
“Donald Trump is continuing his efforts to strip care from our most vulnerable residents and undermine President Obama’s Affordable Care Act,” Jones said. “The bill I am supporting will ensure that Illinois is a place where everyone can afford the health care they need.”
Jones is supporting Senate Bill 2026, which prevents Illinois from applying for the Trump-administration’s “State Relief and Empowerment” waivers without approval from the General Assembly. The waivers would allow the government to limit health care options in a variety of waves such as restricting enrollment and coverage for patients with preexisting conditions.
“Secure health care is an absolute right, one which Illinoisans should always have,” Jones said. “I will not allow Donald Trump to destabilize what we all worked so hard for.”