SPRINGFIELD, Ill. –To protect women’s health care needs, state Rep. Delia Ramirez, D-Chicago, is supporting legislation that ensures women have the right to make decisions regarding their reproductive health.

“As a woman of color, I will continue to stand against Donald Trump’s misogynist rhetoric towards women’s rights,” Ramirez said. “We must enact a law that protects a woman’s fundamental right to choose and ensure that they have access to a safe and welcoming healthcare system.”

Ramirez is a co-sponsor of House Bill 2495, which would give every woman the right to decide to continue a pregnancy or to have an abortion. The measure also requires insurances to cover the cost of abortion services. The World Health Organization states that women who have control of their reproductive health, are likely to pursue educational and personal goals both of which are vital to the care of a child.

“Empowering women to pursue their aspirations in life can increase their chance of welcoming their future children to a stable home environment when she becomes ready,” Ramirez said. “I will continue fighting to protect the rights of all women in our state.”

Rep Delia RamirezRep Delia Ramirez

(D-Chicago) 4th District
Springfield Office: 200-5S Stratton Office Building Springfield, IL 62706 (217) 782-0150