SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – In her first six months in office, state Rep. Monica Bristow, D-Godfrey, continually stood up against overreaching proposals to limit the rights of law abiding gun owners, passed legislation to cut perks for politicians, voted to restore owed wages for state workers, and voted for a bipartisan, full and balanced budget for the state of Illinois.

“I am proud to have supported a bipartisan, full year budget for our state that had broad support in the House and Senate.  The budget that I supported includes no new taxes and will help Illinois pay down the outrageous backlog of bills.  This budget is about jobs for Metro East workers, and critical services for our families. After talking with community leaders, business owners and social service providers in the Riverbend area over the past several months, it’s clear to see the damage that the budget impasse caused. Going door-to-door in our communities, I have heard firsthand about the importance of a budget that provides education for our students, funding for our local governments, improvements for our roads and services for veterans, abused women and children and our most vulnerable. I’m proud to see that both Republicans and Democrats could come together to make a decision that helps move our state forward.”

“During legislative session, I have repeatedly rejected sweeping gun control measures that would only work to limit the liberties of responsible gun owners and sportsmen,” said Bristow. I have been committed to being the voice of the people that I represent and recently introduced legislation to reinstate the death penalty for violent offenders that commit the most heinous crimes like targeting and killing police officers.  I am dedicated to keeping our communities safe without infringing on the rights of local gun owners.”

This legislative session, Bristow has voted against multiple pieces of overreaching gun control legislation like a proposal to enact a 72-hour waiting period on the purchase of rifles.  Bristow also recently filed House Bill 5891 to reinstate the death penalty for offenders that kill police officers or first responders and those that commit mass shootings.

“As the former president of the Riverbend Growth Association, I understand the importance of supporting small businesses.  Working to create new jobs in our local communities is also one of my top priorities, so I sponsored legislation to promote job creation by incentivizing business owners to hire more employees and continue to expand our economy,” continued Bristow. “Creating new jobs in our area will help to revitalize our economy because when we put folks back to work, they earn money and they put that money back into our local economy.”

Bristow’s House Bill 5757 would create an income tax credit for any Illinois business that increases its number of employees by more than 20 percent from the previous year.

“I stepped up to lead by example and sponsored a measure to block an automatic pay increase for legislators.  I will continue to fight to cut perks for politicians in an effort to get our state back on track financially,” Bristow said.  “Legislators should not be worried about receiving pay increases especially when our state is in such poor fiscal health.  I have also fought to keep politicians accountable by sponsoring a bill that would withhold pay for legislators if no state budget is passed.”

Bristow’s measure, House Bill 5760, would prohibit a cost of living increase in the upcoming fiscal year, blocking a pay increase for lawmakers and freezing pay at current levels. It passed the house with strong, bipartisan support.

“I also recently voted to restore back pay for state workers for wages that they have been owed since 2011, some of the oldest debt in the state of Illinois,” said Bristow.  “I stand with our state workers because we rely on them to help our local communities function properly.  Businesses would not get away with refusing to pay employees so the state should follow the same rules.”

House Bill 4290, cosponsored by Bristow, recently passed out of the Illinois House with strong bipartisan support, and restores the backpay owed to multiple state employees, including nurses, correctional officers and many other that provide critical services for the state.

For more information, please contact Rep. Bristow’s constituent service office by calling 618-465-5900 or by emailing RepMBristow@gmail.com.

Rep Monica BristowRep Monica Bristow

111th District

Springfield Office:
263-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-5996
(217) 558-0493 FAX

District Office:
528 Henry St.
Alton, IL  62002
(618) 465-5900
(618) 465-5150 FAX