SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – The Illinois Insurance Association (IIA) has selected state Rep. John D’Amico, D-Chicago, as “Legislator of the Year” for championing legislation to promote safer driving.

“Illinois drivers across the state have found a faithful advocate in Representative D’Amico,” said IIA Chair Elise Spriggs. “During Distracted Driving Awareness month, we are honoring him as a safe driving champion with years of effective advocacy for safer roads.”

D’Amico was selected as “Legislator of the Year” for his advocacy to discourage distracted driving, including passing a ban on the use of hand-held devices while driving and passing a “texting while driving” ban. D’Amico also helped pass the Graduated Driver’s License program that has contributed to a 50 percent drop in teen fatalities since 2007 and his lifesaving work on the Blood Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device that has contributed to a 67 percent reduction in repeat drunk driving offenses.

“It is great to see insurance companies and safety advocates raise awareness to the problem of distracted driving on Illinois roadways,” said D’Amico.  “I am proud of the work we’ve done in the General Assembly on this issue and remain committed to improving traffic safety in the future.”

Rep John D’Amico Rep John D'Amico

15th District

Springfield Office:
279-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL   62706
(217) 782-8198
(217) 782-2906 FAX

District Office:
4404 W. Lawrence Avenue
Chicago, IL  60630
(773) 736-0218
(773) 736-2333 FAX