SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Rick Ryan, D-Evergreen Park, is fighting to reign in property taxes with a new measure that caps property tax increases for Illinois homeowners.
“Continuing to make our neighborhood a great place to live requires easing financial burdens on working people and lowering barriers to home ownership, not driving up the cost of owning a home and making it more difficult to build a life,” Ryan said. “As long as I stand for this community in Springfield, I will be fighting so my neighbors can have stronger control over their economic futures.”
Ryan filed House Bill 3314, which caps residential property tax increases at the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index since the year of the previous reassessment period. This limit was chosen to continue to support increased costs of local services-such as law enforcement and fire departments.
“Passing this measure capping property taxes is just one step I plan to take to help working people,” Ryan said. “We need to lower vital costs across the board. That means lower prices at the grocery store, more affordable prescription drugs at the pharmacy and reducing countless other expenses that can pile up and prevent people from achieving economic freedom.”
Rep. Rick Ryan
36th District
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(217) 782-4535
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