CRYSTAL LAKE, Ill. – State Rep. Suzanne Ness, D-Crystal Lake, invited four fourth graders from Butler Elementary School in Springfield to share their presentation, “Say Bye to Plastic,” with representatives at the State Capitol.

“I am always excited to see children taking interest and developing a passion about issues,” said Ness. “These students did their research and created this informational presentation in their own free time. Not only did their presentation address the harms of plastic bag production and use, they offered solutions that we can personally adopt to better reduce these harms.”

What originally started as a “Save the Whales” club soon turned into a “Say Bye to Plastic” presentation created by these students. Since creating this presentation, the fourth graders have shared their presentation with other classes and grades at Butler Elementary School. Following each presentation, these girls answered questions from other students about plastic and how plastic can harm people and the environment.

After sharing their presentation across their school, they came across Ness’ bill, House Bill 1146, which bans the use and sale of single-use plastic bags and paper carryout bags by stores and food service businesses. Last Wednesday, the Butler Elementary students gave their presentation to representatives, their parents, teacher, and partner groups in Springfield, including the IL Environmental Council, the Alliance for Great Lakes, and the Sierra Club and lobbyists in Springfield.

“These girls are our leaders of tomorrow,” said Ness. “Seeing the passion they have for reducing the use of single-use plastic and helping the environment is inspirational and reminds me of why I do the work I do as a representative in Springfield. They have taken initiative at such a young age, and I cannot wait to see how they grow not only in the classroom, but outside the classroom as well.”

Rep. Suzanne NessRep. Suzanne Ness

66th District

Springfield Office:
272-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0432

District Office:
20 S Grove St
Carpentersville, IL 60110