CHICAGO – State Rep. Kam Buckner, D-Chicago, is leading a measure, the Pharmacy Accountability and Access Act, to ensure Illinois patients get substantial notice if their local pharmacies are closing.

“Guaranteeing everyone in our community access to affordable prescriptions is a vital step towards building a stronger future,” Buckner said. “An unreliable supply of lifesaving medication can place enormous stress on low-income families, so I’m pushing for a measure to guarantee 180-days’ notice before a pharmacy shuts down.”

The Pharmacy Accountability and Access Act, House Bill 3670, requires all pharmacies give 180-days’ notice when a branch is closing. The notice must be posted both in a prominent space on the property, and listed on the pharmacy website. It also requires pharmacies file a report detailing the justification for the closure with the Department of Public Health.

“The sudden loss of a pharmacy can be devastating, especially in communities with relatively little access to prescription drugs,” Buckner said. “People deserve to know when major disruptions are going to come into their lives, and to have time to prepare to transition to new options.”

Rep. Kambium BucknerRep. Kambium Buckner

26th District

Springfield Office:
229-E Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-2023

District Office:
449 E. 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60616
(773) 924-1755