SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – State Rep. Lisa Hernandez, D-Cicero, outlined her strong commitment to cutting the cost of living for everyday Illinoisans in her response to Governor Pritzker’s State of the State and Budget Address.
“While we again face a confrontational president who wants to undermine our successes in supporting working families, we cannot let the light of a brighter, better tomorrow dim for the many Illinoisans who are struggling to get by. My commitment to securing a brighter future for every family in Illinois has generated serious results, and there’s more work to be done. We eliminated the regressive grocery tax, expanded college financial aid opportunities for more low-income and first generation students, championed reforms to safeguard reproductive healthcare, and cut the cost of healthcare premiums. Addressing the cost of living challenges we face will require tough, but smart, decision making, and I am confident we will come out of these discussions with our Senate partners and the governor with a fiscally and socially responsible budget that continues to put the best interests of our people first.”
Hernandez’s legislative agenda works to cut costs and increase services for working families and seniors across the state. She is championing House Bill 1867, which protects access to energy bill assistance by ensuring the cost of living adjustments for Social and Supplemental Security do not kick seniors off of their Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) benefits.
Hernandez is also fighting to raise the living wage of restaurant workers to the full state wage, cracking down on wage theft and allowing suburban establishments to compete for talent with higher wage Chicago restaurants (House Bill 2982).
For more information on Hernandez’s legislative priorities, visit ilga.gov.
Visit Rep Lisa Hernandez website
Springfield Office:
109 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8173
District Office:
6117 West Cermak Road
Cicero, IL 60804
(708) 222-5240
(708) 222-5241 FAX