EVANSTON, Ill. – State Rep. Robyn Gabel, D-Evanston, received a 100% scorecard from the Illinois Environmental Council (IEC) for helping lead the fight to support the environment, tackle climate change and promote clean energy.

“We have a responsibility to leave future generations a vibrant natural world to enjoy, not an epidemic of growing environmental problems to fix,” Gabel said. “I will always fight for the aggressive development of clean energy technology, safeguards for breathable air and drinkable water, and preservation of the forests, wetlands and particularly the beaches that Evanstonians treasure. The IEC has done great work fighting for our environment, and I thank them for their recognition.”

The Illinois Environmental Council gave Gabel a 100% score on their 2024 legislative scorecard as a result of her comprehensive voting record on pro-environmental issues. These laws include measures to cut back on single-use plastic waste, study the quality of air for Illinois students, create a new framework for carbon capture methods and promote advances in green technology.

“I share the IEC’s commitment to fighting for safer waste disposal practices, which present a major threat to public health. Used batteries leaking in landfills and clots of garbage
contaminating our water reservoirs are an unacceptable risk to Illinois communities,” Gabel said. “The financial benefits of pro-environmental policy have also long been clear. Illinois is creating thousands of good-paying, sustainable jobs in the clean energy sector that will help power our economy for years to come. I stand with the IEC on their position that environmentally friendly lawmaking is the only sensible path forward for this state.”

Rep. Robyn GabelRep. Robyn Gabel

Assistant Majority Leader
18th District

Springfield Office:
300 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8052
(217) 558-4553 FAX

District Office:
2100 Ridge Ave.
Suite 2600
Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 424-5401