SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – A measure supported by state Rep. Jehan Gordon-Booth, D-Peoria, would prohibit employers from forcing workers to attend anti-union, political or religious meetings on company time if the employee does not wish to participate.

“Illinois is a pro-worker state, and we shouldn’t allow businesses to inappropriately use mandatory meetings to intimidate workers who may be considering union representation,” Gordon-Booth said. “When someone goes to work, they probably don’t want to have to deal with political messaging – especially messaging that they are not comfortable with. This measure institutes necessary protections in the event a worker decides they don’t want to participate.”

Dubbed the Worker Freedom of Speech Act, Senate Bill 3649 prevents an employer from threatening, penalizing or disciplining an employee if they decline to attend or participate in an employer meeting on religious or political topics – including anti-union presentations. Employees are welcome to attend and participate in such “captive audience” meetings if they want to, but Senate Bill 3649 ensures they cannot be forced.

An initiative of the Illinois AFL-CIO, Senate Bill 3649 received bipartisan support in the House and will be sent to the governor for final approval.

For more information, please contact RepJGordon@gmail.com.

Rep. Jehan Gordon-BoothRep. Jehan Gordon-Booth

Deputy Majority Leader
92nd District

Springfield Office:
632 Capitol Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-3186

District Office:
300 E. War Memorial Drive
Suite 303
Peoria, IL 61614
(309) 681-1992