SPRINGFIELD, ILL –State Rep. Yolonda Morris, D-Chicago, is improving treatment for cancer patients in Illinois by requiring health insurance providers in the state to cover the cost of at least one prosthesis or artificial hair device each year. 


“The loss of someone’s hair while they battle a vicious disease can be absolutely devastating to their mental health and self-image,” said Morris. “By making people continue to feel like themselves while they deal with a difficult time, we can realize better outcomes for our patients in Illinois.” 


Morris’ Senate Bill 2573, which requires health insurance providers to cover the cost of one prosthesis annually, passed out of both chambers of the General Assembly last week with widespread bipartisan support. The bill moves Illinois ahead of most other states in its treatment of cancer patients. Most other states still consider wigs and other hair prostheses cosmetic instead of medically necessary, so a patient would have to cover the cost out of pocket. The bill also provides relief to those suffering from other hair affecting conditions such as alopecia. 


“During my time in the health care system, I saw firsthand the central role a patient’s dignity plays in their recovery,” said Morris. “I will continue to fight to uplift and empower Illinoisans in their search for affordable, adequate and critical health care in their communities.”

Rep. Yolonda MorrisRep. Yolonda Morris

9th District

Springfield Office:
288-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-8116

District Office:
4325-27 W. Roosevelt Rd
Chicago, IL 60623
(312) 298-9181