BELLEVILLE, Ill. – Concerned about the delays area nurses and other licensed professionals routinely face while trying to obtain and renew a state license for their job, state Rep. Jay Hoffman, D-Swansea, is encouraging the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation (IDFPR) to update its license review process so that the department can handle applications more effectively.

“People can’t wait months with little to no feedback on professional licenses that are essential to their employment,” Hoffman said. “Unbelievably, some individuals have contacted my office after waiting six months. This is unacceptable, particularly when it seems to be caused by disorganization and a lack of sufficient technological upgrades. There’s no question IDFPR deals with a large number of requests, but there needs to be movement to eliminate these problems.”

Not all required licenses issued by IDFPR are able to be applied for online. As a result, certain individuals must mail in their paperwork to IDFPR. Hoffman’s office has received dozens of requests for help from area nurses and other professionals who do not hear back from the state agency for months, in some cases jeopardizing their ability to start a job. Oftentimes, there is difficulty even locating applications that were mailed to IDFPR and applicants have had to travel to Springfield to pursue a resolution.

“When I hear from local residents who haven’t received an answer on their license application for multiple months, that’s not respectful to them and is a failure of our system in a time we want to attract and retain qualified professionals,” Hoffman said. “We need to be eliminating hurdles, not creating them for no reason. I’m hopeful IDFPR can make some needed updates and if legislation must be passed to fix this problem, I would sponsor the measure.”

For more information, please contact


Rep. Jay HoffmanRep. Jay Hoffman

Assistant Majority Leader (D-Belleville) 113th District

Springfield Office:
300 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

District Office:
312 S. High St.
Belleville, IL 62220
(618) 416-7407
(618) 416-7409 FAX