CHICAGO – State Rep. Lilian Jiménez, D-Chicago, was appointed to continue efforts to secure reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights as a member of the newly expanded Reproductive Health and Dobbs Decision Working Group.

“Our work in the House to make Illinois a regional leader in the fight for reproductive and LGBTQ+ rights was a remarkable feat of witness testimony, input from leading experts and a vision for a post-Roe Illinois,” Jiménez said. “We set out to make that legislation a bold first step in our larger efforts to shore up the rights and privileges of vulnerable people across Illinois, and I am looking forward to working with my fellow colleagues to continue that fight.” 

The Patient and Provider Protection Act, Senate Bill 3799, was the product of fierce negotiations from the Reproductive Health and Dobbs Decision Working Group. Among the changes made, the legislation required public universities to make emergency contraception available for purchase, allow hormonal birth control to be available over the counter, expanded licensing rules to allow out-of-state medical professionals to perform abortion services in Illinois and more. 

“We have a unique opportunity to set the standard after the undoing of  Roe by an extremist Supreme Court,” Jiménez said. “Women have the right to make personal and private medical decisions about their own bodies, and while the Supreme Court may disagree with us on that, we are not letting that stop us from making Illinois a place where women and their rights are unequivocally respected. I will use the full weight of my position to make sure Illinois does not regress on the issue of women’s and LGBTQ+ rights.” 

Rep. Lilian JimenezRep. Rep. Lilian Jimenez

4th District

Springfield Office:
284-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-0150

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