CHICAGO, Ill. – Legislation to analyze and research field services for the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs (IDVA), introduced by state Rep. Camille Lilly, D-Chicago, was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker Friday.

“Illinois veterans have made incredible sacrifices to ensure our safety and freedom. It is essential that our state fully supports their needs once they return from duty,” Lilly said. “By analyzing the current services offered by IDVA, we can better understand the changes that are necessary to provide adequate support to our state’s heroes.”

House Bill 2991 provides for a market research analysis of the field services currently offered by IDVA. By providing a robust analysis of all current resources available to veterans and their families, IDVA can then ensure these resources are being allocated properly. IDVA must then submit a plan for future delivery of their services by the Department’s field division.

“This bill is an important first step in assuring our veterans receive the resources and services they deserve, so that they can live full lives after their service is completed,” said Lilly. “I am eager to see the improvements that will be made as a result of this analysis, and I thank Gov. Pritzker for his signature.”

For more information on this bill, please visit

Rep. Camille Y LillyRep. Camille Y Lilly

78th District

Visit Rep Lilly’s website

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