SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – Opportunities for women and minorities in information technology (IT) will be the subject of a House hearing Thursday morning to be chaired by state Rep. Lamont Robinson, D-Chicago.

“There’s a lot of high-paying, in-demand career opportunities in the information technology field, and it’s important that no demographics are being left behind,” Robinson said. “I’m looking forward to hearing about the current state of diversity of the industry here in Illinois, and what we can do to expand opportunities for those who want to take part.”

Robinson will chair a virtual House Cybersecurity, Data Analytics, and IT Committee hearing Thursday, March 31 at 10 a.m. to discuss the state of women and minorities in IT. Expected speakers include representatives from TeQuity Partners, Technet and the Illinois Department of Innovation and Technology (DoIT).

Viewers can watch a livestream of the committee at https://ilga.gov/houseaudvid.asp.

As part of efforts to support higher education aimed at cybersecurity, Robinson introduced a plan (House Bill 5561) to commit $100,000 toward the Illinois Institute of Technology’s Cybersecurity Bootcamp program. He is also partnering with DoIT to update old language in state laws to better reflect modern technology issues (HB 5164) and improve the state’s response to cyber threats (House Bill 5165).

Rep. Lamont RobinsonRep. Lamont Robinson

5th District

Springfield Office:
286-S Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4535

District Office:
5048 S. Indiana Ave.
Chicago, IL 60615
(773) 924-4614
(773) 924-4652 FAX